Which sentence contains an analogy?(1 point)


Sam is a human spell-checker.
Sam is a human spell-checker.

Sam is the new Babe Ruth.
Sam is the new Babe Ruth.

The spelling bee is to Sam as the World Series is to a baseball player.
The spelling bee is to Sam as the World Series is to a baseball player.

The spelling bee is Sam's favorite event of the year.
The spelling bee is Sam's favorite event of the year.

The sentence that contains an analogy is:

"The spelling bee is to Sam as the World Series is to a baseball player."

Explanation: An analogy is a comparison between two different things that share a similarity. In this sentence, the analogy is being made between the spelling bee and Sam, comparing it to the analogy between the World Series and a baseball player. To identify the analogy, you can look for keywords or phrases that indicate a comparison, such as "is to," "as," or "like." In this case, the phrase "is to Sam as" sets up the analogy.