Why are ancient myths still relevant today? Select the two correct answers. (1 point)


We still use words that originated in ancient myths.
We still use words that originated in ancient myths.

They are good for drawing on people’s emotions.
They are good for drawing on people’s emotions.

They focus on societal issues.
They focus on societal issues.

They connect people to their culture and ancestry.
They connect people to their culture and ancestry.

They are short and to the point.
They are short and to the point.

The correct answers are:

1. They connect people to their culture and ancestry.
Ancient myths often contain stories and themes that are deeply rooted in a culture's history, traditions, and beliefs. They provide a connection to the past and help people understand their cultural heritage and ancestry.

2. They focus on societal issues.
Many ancient myths explore universal themes and issues that are still relevant in today's society. They often address topics such as love, power, morality, and human nature. By examining these timeless themes, ancient myths can provide insights into contemporary societal issues and challenges.

To determine the correct answers, let's analyze each option:

- We still use words that originated in ancient myths.
This statement is true and indicates the influence of ancient myths on language. However, it does not directly address the relevance of myths today.

- They are good for drawing on people’s emotions.
While ancient myths can evoke emotions, this statement does not explain their relevance today.

- They focus on societal issues.
This statement is correct. Ancient myths often touch upon fundamental societal issues that still resonate with people today.

- They connect people to their culture and ancestry.
This statement is correct. Ancient myths serve as a cultural and ancestral link, helping people understand their heritage and identity.

- They are short and to the point.
This statement does not accurately describe ancient myths, as they can vary in length and complexity.

Based on the explanations provided, the correct answers are:
1. They connect people to their culture and ancestry.
2. They focus on societal issues.