Which one of these statements is true about summaries?(1 point)

Summaries provide a condensed version of the original text.

To determine which statement is true about summaries, you must first examine the given options. Since you haven't provided the options, I cannot directly address which statement is true. However, I can provide some general information about summaries to help you evaluate the options yourself.

A summary is a concise and condensed version of a longer text, capturing the main points and central ideas. It aims to provide readers with an overview of the original text without going into excessive detail. Here are some possible statements about summaries that you could consider:

1. A summary provides a brief overview of the main points of a text.
2. A summary includes all the details and examples mentioned in the original text.
3. A summary is typically longer than the original text it is summarizing.
4. A summary is only applicable to non-fiction texts and not works of fiction.
5. An effective summary accurately represents the ideas and tone of the original text.

To determine which statement is true, you need to evaluate each option and consider whether it aligns with the general understanding of summaries.

The statement that is true about summaries is that they provide a condensed version of the main ideas and key details of a longer piece of text.