Which one of these statements is true about summaries

A summary is a condensed version of a text that highlights the main points.

To determine which statement is true about summaries, we need to evaluate the given statements. Please provide the statements you would like me to analyze.

There are multiple statements that can be true about summaries. Here are a few examples:

1. Summaries provide a condensed version of a longer text, highlighting the main points and omitting unnecessary details.
2. Summaries are often used to provide an overview of a text's content, allowing readers to quickly grasp the main ideas without reading the entire document.
3. A well-written summary captures the essence of the original text and presents it in a concise and clear manner.
4. Summaries can be written for various types of content, including academic articles, books, movies, and news articles.
5. Effective summaries should accurately represent the main ideas and key details of the original text.