Please I want more details for the motion boy should not help in the kitchen

The motion that boys should not help in the kitchen is based on the idea that traditional gender roles should be maintained. This means that boys should not be expected to help with tasks traditionally associated with women, such as cooking and cleaning. Supporters of this motion argue that boys should be encouraged to pursue activities that are traditionally associated with men, such as sports and engineering. They also argue that boys should not be expected to help in the kitchen because it reinforces gender stereotypes and can lead to boys feeling like they are not as capable as girls. Opponents of this motion argue that boys should be encouraged to help in the kitchen, as it can help them develop important life skills such as cooking and cleaning. They also argue that boys should not be excluded from helping in the kitchen because it can lead to feelings of exclusion and can be damaging to their self-esteem.

Boys should not help in the kitchen

I want a full debate for the motion boy should not help in the kitchen

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