A particular hybrid car travels approximately 360 mi on 6 gal of gas. Find the amount of gas required for 816 ​-mi trip.

The car needs gallons of gas for 816 ​-mi trip.


816 miles * ( 6 gal / 360 miles) = 136 gal

That robot is nutty as a fruit cake.

Did you do a sanity check on your answer?

Sure looks closer to 13.6 gals to me.

To find the amount of gas required for the 816-mile trip, we can set up a proportion using the given information.

360 miles requires 6 gallons of gas

Let's set up the proportion:

360 miles / 6 gallons = 816 miles / x gallons

To solve for x, we can cross multiply:

360 * x = 6 * 816

Now, solve for x:

360x = 4896

Divide both sides by 360:

x = 4896 / 360

x ≈ 13.6

So, the car would need approximately 13.6 gallons of gas for the 816-mile trip.