A large pizza at Tony's pizza is a circle with a 14 inch diameter it's box is a rectangular prism that is 14 1/8 inches long 14 1/8 inches wide and 1 3/4 inches tall you have to create a new shape for the pizza but it has to have at least 5 sides and be cut into equal slices. Please show all of your work

To create a new shape for the pizza that has at least 5 sides and is cut into equal slices, we can start by considering the original shape of the pizza, which is a circle with a 14-inch diameter.

Step 1: Calculate the circumference of the pizza
The circumference of a circle is given by the formula: C = π * d, where d is the diameter. In this case, the diameter is 14 inches.
So, the circumference (C) of the pizza is: C = π * 14 inches.

Step 2: Determine the number of slices you want
Since you want to cut the pizza into equal slices, you need to specify the number of slices. Let's say you want to cut it into n slices.

Step 3: Calculate the measure of each angle for equal slices
To divide the pizza into equal slices, we need to calculate the measure of each angle. We can use the formula: Angle = 360° / n, where n is the number of slices.

Step 4: Designing the new shape
To create a new shape with at least 5 sides, we can consider a regular polygon that approximates the shape of the circle. A regular polygon has equal-length sides and equal interior angles.

For example, let's consider a regular hexagon. A hexagon has 6 sides. To approximate the shape of the pizza, we need to find the side length.

Step 5: Calculate the side length of the hexagon
In a regular hexagon, all sides have the same length. To calculate the side length, we can use the formula derived from the circumference of the circle:
C = 6 * side_length,
where C is the circumference of the circle (previously calculated) and side_length is the length of each side of the hexagon.

Step 6: Substitute the circumference of the circle and solve for the side length:
C = 6 * side_length,
π * 14 inches = 6 * side_length.

Solve for side_length:
side_length = (π * 14 inches) / 6.

Step 7: Calculate the angle for equal slices
Using the formula from step 3, we can calculate the angle by dividing 360° by the number of slices (n).

Step 8: Divide the hexagon into equal slices
Using the side length from step 6 and the calculated angle from step 7, you can divide the hexagon into equal slices by drawing lines from the center of the hexagon to the vertices, measuring the specified angle.

Remember to adjust the size and angle calculations if you choose a different shape or number of slices.

By following these steps, you can create a new shape for the pizza with at least 5 sides and cut it into equal slices.