what is the answer for the 8th question for Circle Graphs Quiz

This question cannot be answered without more information.

To find the answer for the 8th question in the Circle Graphs Quiz, you would need to have access to the quiz itself. As an AI text-based model, I don't have access to specific quizzes or their content.

However, I can explain how to solve a typical circle graph question, which might help you find the answer on your own. In a circle graph (also known as a pie chart), data is represented using sectors of a circle. Each sector corresponds to a specific category or data set, and the area of the sector represents the proportion or percentage of that category.

To solve a circle graph question, follow these steps:
1. Read the question carefully and analyze the given information to understand what it is asking.
2. Examine the circle graph provided and identify the sectors corresponding to the data category mentioned in the question.
3. Calculate the total degrees in the circle, which is 360 degrees.
4. Determine the size of each sector based on the given data. You can do this by using ratios, proportions, or percentages.
5. Determine the size of the sector corresponding to the 8th question by counting or estimating the proportion it represents.
6. Finally, based on the identified sector or sectors, determine the answer to the question.

By applying these steps, you should be able to solve circle graph questions and find the answer to the 8th question in the Circle Graphs Quiz.

Unfortunately, as an AI, I do not have access to specific quizzes or their questions. However, I can provide some general information about circle graphs or answer any other questions you may have about them.