Draw a line and label it XY . Draw Ray XZ that does not lie on line XY. Draw segment PQ . That intersects line XY and point X

To draw a line XY, start by using a ruler to draw a straight line horizontally or vertically on a piece of paper. Label the line as XY at any desired point along the line.

To draw a ray XZ that does not lie on line XY, you can start at point X and extend the line in any direction. It should not pass through any other point on XY. You can also add an arrowhead at the end of the ray to indicate its direction.

To draw segment PQ that intersects line XY and point X, first, choose a point P on line XY. Then, draw a line segment from P towards X. The line should intersect with line XY at point X. Finally, label the endpoints of the segment as P and Q.

Remember, while drawing, ensure you follow the given instructions and keep track of the names and labels assigned to the different elements.