Which phrase best summarizes Qin government?

It was centralized.

It upheld Confucian ideals.

It divided China into rival states.

It relaxed the harsh laws of the Zhou dynasty.

The phrase that best summarizes the Qin government is A. "It was centralized." To arrive at this answer, let's analyze the other options:

B. "It upheld Confucian ideals." This is not an accurate summary of the Qin government. Confucian ideals didn't gain prominence until the subsequent Han dynasty in China.

C. "It divided China into rival states." This option is incorrect. The Qin government actually unified China and effectively ended the period of the Warring States.

D. "It relaxed the harsh laws of the Zhou dynasty." This option is also incorrect. Instead of relaxing the laws, the Qin government implemented strict legalist policies, which included harsh punishments for offenses.

By comparison, option A – "It was centralized" – accurately represents the nature of the Qin government. The Qin dynasty was known for its centralized power, with Emperor Qin Shi Huang implementing various reforms to centralize authority and establish a strong central government.