What does this image demonstrate about rocks?

Rocks can be combined with other rocks to make a single mineral.
Rocks always have crystal grains of identical size and shape.
Rocks can be made up of more than one type of mineral.
Rocks are always made up of minerals with identical properties

C. Rocks can be made up of more than one type of mineral. hope this helps!

C. Rocks can be made up of more than one type of mineral. hope this helps!

To determine what the image demonstrates about rocks, we need to carefully analyze the image and consider the options provided.

To begin, closely observe the image and look for any clues or characteristics that can provide insights into rocks. Pay attention to the different components, colors, textures, and patterns within the image.

If the image depicts various types of minerals or different colors and textures within the rock, this could indicate that rocks can be made up of more than one type of mineral. In that case, option C, "Rocks can be made up of more than one type of mineral," would be the correct answer.

However, if the image shows rocks that appear to have all identical properties, such as the rocks having the same color, texture, and mineral composition, then option D, "Rocks are always made up of minerals with identical properties," could be the correct answer.

It is essential to avoid making assumptions and solely rely on the information provided by the image itself. By carefully examining the image, you will be able to determine the correct answer.
