Thesis - Overcoming obstacles is important because life will present various challenges, and dealing with hardships helps shape our character and changes our mentality.

Graphic Organizer:
Body Paragraph: (Reason from thesis which should be Overcoming obstacles is important because life will present various challenges, and dealing with hardships helps shape our character and changes our mentality.)
First, create and include a Topic sentence which is one sentence that introduces the supporting idea from your thesis. Next, include and give a specific example for your first reason such as Thomas Edison remember to elaborate by adding detailed information for the specific example. Then, write three to four sentences that explain that example. Lastly, what other details will support the topic sentence based on own knowledge?

Body Paragraph:

Topic Sentence: Overcoming obstacles is important because life presents various challenges, and dealing with hardships helps shape our character and changes our mentality.

Example: One notable example of overcoming obstacles is Thomas Edison, the renowned inventor.

Elaboration: Thomas Edison faced numerous challenges throughout his career, particularly in his pursuit of creating a practical electric light bulb. He conducted thousands of experiments and faced countless failures before eventually succeeding. Despite the setbacks, Edison's perseverance and determination allowed him to overcome these obstacles and achieve his goal.

Explanation: This example highlights how overcoming obstacles can shape one's character. By facing and conquering challenges, Edison developed resilience, patience, and problem-solving skills. His ability to bounce back from failures and continue pursuing his vision demonstrates the transformative power of overcoming obstacles.

Supporting details (based on own knowledge):

1. Edison's hardships not only shaped his character but also had a significant impact on society. His successful invention revolutionized the way we live by providing a practical and accessible source of light.

2. Through his example, Edison inspired countless individuals, showing them that persistence and resilience are key to overcoming obstacles and achieving success.

3. Overcoming challenges can also lead to personal growth and development. Edison's journey taught him the value of perseverance, innovation, and continuous learning, which are valuable life lessons for everyone facing their own obstacles.

4. Furthermore, the experience of overcoming obstacles can change one's mentality. It can shift a person's perspective from seeing challenges as barriers to perceiving them as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. By embracing the mindset of overcoming obstacles, individuals can develop a more positive and resilient outlook on life.

By including these supporting details, the topic sentence is reinforced, and the overall argument for the importance of overcoming obstacles is further strengthened.