Thesis - Overcoming hurdles is important since life will present various challenges, and dealing with hardships helps shape our character and changes our mentality.

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Body Paragraph: (Reason from thesis which should be Overcoming hurdles is important since life will present various challenges, and dealing with hardships helps shape our character and changes our mentality.) First, create and include a Topic sentence which is one sentence that introduces the supporting idea from your thesis. Next, include and give a specific example for your first reason such as Thomas Edison remember to elaborate by adding detailed information for the specific example. Then, write three to four sentences that explain that example. Lastly, what other details will support the topic sentence based on own knowledge?

Body Paragraph:

Topic Sentence: One reason why overcoming hurdles is important is that life presents us with various challenges that require perseverance and resilience.
Example: Thomas Edison is a prime example of how overcoming hurdles shapes character and mentality. As the inventor of the light bulb, Edison faced countless setbacks and failures before achieving success. He famously stated, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." This attitude demonstrates his unwavering determination and willingness to learn from his mistakes.
Explanation: Despite numerous failures, Edison never gave up on his vision of creating a practical electric light. Instead, he viewed each setback as an opportunity to learn and improve. This mindset not only propelled him forward but also shaped his character. It taught him the value of perseverance, problem-solving, and resilience in the face of adversity. Furthermore, these traits became essential attributes of his success and played a significant role in shaping his mentality.
Supporting details: Other details that can support the topic sentence based on personal knowledge could include stories of individuals who have overcome challenges and how it positively impacted their character and mindset. For instance, one can discuss how athletes train for years to compete in the Olympics, facing physical and mental hurdles along the way. This not only strengthens their physical abilities but also builds their mental toughness and resilience. Additionally, personal anecdotes or experiences of overcoming hurdles can be shared to further support the argument.