How does the section "Great Migration: Life for Migrants in the City" contribute to the development of ideas in the passage?

It explains that life for Blacks in the North still had many challenges.
It shows how much better life was for Blacks in the North than in the South.
It explains why Blacks wanted to move to the North instead of stay in the South.
It explains that Blacks continued to fight for freedom and equality in all parts of America.

A. It explains that life for Blacks in the North still had many challenges.

A. It explains that life for Blacks in the North still had many challenges.

To determine how the section "Great Migration: Life for Migrants in the City" contributes to the development of ideas in the passage, you can first identify the main points or ideas presented in this section. This will help you evaluate how these points align with the overall content and purpose of the passage.

To find the answer, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the section "Great Migration: Life for Migrants in the City" carefully.
2. Identify the key points mentioned within that section.
3. Consider how these key points relate to the broader themes and ideas discussed in the passage.
4. Evaluate which option aligns most closely with the content and purpose of the section.

Based on this approach, the most likely answer is A. "It explains that life for Blacks in the North still had many challenges." This is because the passage likely discusses the experiences of migrants during the Great Migration and highlights that although life in the North was a better alternative for many Black Americans compared to the South, it was still not devoid of challenges and obstacles.

By understanding the experiences of individuals during the Great Migration, the passage aims to provide a comprehensive view of the opportunities and realities faced by Black migrants in the North. Option A aligns with this intention by acknowledging that despite the positive aspects of migration, challenges persisted for Black individuals in the North.

It is crucial to always refer back to the passage, carefully analyze the given information, and evaluate the options by considering the main themes and ideas presented.