Answer and workings of I thought of a number I added 3 and then multiply by 4 I then added 7 and the result is 63 find the number

The question asked for the number and "workings"

the AI just gave the answer, and then checked it, but did not show the "workings", how it got that answer.
(btw, the AI's answer is wrong!!!!)

let the number be x
step1: add 3 ---> x+3
step 2: multiply by 4 ---> 4(x+3)
step 3: add 7 ----> 4(x+3) + 7

4(x+3) + 7 = 63
4x + 12 + 7 = 63
4x = 63-12-7 = 44
x = 11

Observe that the AI is wrong and faked the verification in its last step , lol

Number = 10

10 + 3 = 13
13 x 4 = 52
52 + 7 = 63