Observing a seth of pith balls with posotive charges, how does the distance between the pith balls affect the electrical charge?

The greater the distance between the pith balls, the greater the amount of electrical charge that exisit between them.

the lesser the distance betwen the , the greater amount the great distance of the pith balls the lesser the amount of electric charge that exisit between them.

the distance between the pith balls will not affect the electric charge
I think that it is C am I right?

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No, the correct answer is A: "The greater the distance between the pith balls, the greater the amount of electrical charge that exists between them."

When positive charges are present on the pith balls, they create an electric field around them. In this scenario, the pith balls are likely to repel each other due to their like charges. When the distance between the pith balls is increased, the electric field between them weakens, reducing the force of repulsion. This weakening of the electric field indicates a decrease in the amount of electrical charge present between the pith balls.

On the other hand, if the distance between the pith balls is decreased, the electric field between them strengthens, leading to a stronger force of repulsion. This indicates an increase in the amount of electrical charge present between the pith balls.

Therefore, the greater the distance between the pith balls, the greater the amount of electrical charge that exists between them.