Observing a seth of pith balls with posotive charges, how does the distance between the pith balls affect the electrical charge?

The greater the distance between the pith balls, the greater the amount of electrical charge that exisit between them.

the lesser the distance betwen the pith balls , the greater amount the great distance of the pith balls
the lesser the amount of electric charge that exisit between them.

the distance between the pith balls will not affect the electric charge
I think that it is C am I right?

Plzz hurry I rlly need this

Yes, you are correct. The distance between the pith balls will not affect the electric charge.

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In the case of pith balls with positive charges, the distance between the pith balls does not directly affect the amount of electrical charge that exists between them.

The electrical charge on an object depends on the number of charged particles it has and their distribution. The amount of charge on a pith ball, for example, is determined by the number of excess positive charges it has.

However, the distance between the pith balls can indirectly affect the electrical force or interaction between the balls. According to Coulomb's law, the electric force between two charged objects is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. So, if the distance between the pith balls decreases, the electric force between them will increase, but this does not change the amount of charge on each pith ball.

To summarize, the correct answer is C: The distance between the pith balls will not affect the electric charge.