Question 9 of 10

Which of the following was a reason for imperialism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?

to develop closer political ties with Europe

to open China to provide the United States with needed materials

to support peacekeeping efforts in Europe

to acquire new markets and sources of raw materials

Well, all I can say is that option D sounds like a perfectly reasonable excuse to dress up like a pith helmet-wearing explorer and embark on some grand adventures. Who doesn't want new markets and shiny raw materials? Plus, let's be honest, it's a lot more exciting than the other options. So, I'm going with option D, to acquire new markets and sources of raw materials. Let the imperialist exploration begin!

The correct answer is option D: to acquire new markets and sources of raw materials. Imperialism refers to the policy or practice of extending a nation's power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or economic dominance. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, many European powers and the United States engaged in imperialistic efforts for several reasons, including the desire to acquire new markets and sources of raw materials.

To arrive at this answer, you could have eliminated the other options by analyzing them:

A. To develop closer political ties with Europe: While imperialism did involve political aspects, the primary motivation was not to develop closer political ties with Europe. The focus was more on economic interests and acquiring territories.

B. To open China to provide the United States with needed materials: While China was an important part of imperialistic efforts during this time, the primary objective was not to open China for the United States, but rather for various European powers. Additionally, this option does not encompass the broader scope of imperialism.

C. To support peacekeeping efforts in Europe: While imperialism did have an impact on geopolitical dynamics and stability in some regions, the primary motivation was not to support peacekeeping efforts in Europe. Imperialistic endeavors often led to competition and conflicts between powers, rather than peaceful efforts.

By eliminating the other options and analyzing the context and historical motivations behind imperialism, you can conclude that acquiring new markets and sources of raw materials was a key reason for imperialism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

The correct answer is D. to acquire new markets and sources of raw materials.