which of the following were strategies used by the Union during the civil War select all that apply

a. naval blockade
b. defensive war

To determine which strategies were used by the Union during the Civil War, we can look into historical records or reliable sources. In this case, the following strategies were indeed utilized by the Union:

a. Naval blockade: The Union employed a naval blockade of Southern ports, cutting off the Confederacy's access to trade and supplies.

b. Defensive war: The Union largely adopted a defensive strategy, aiming to preserve the Union and protect its territories against Confederate attacks.

It seems that options c and d were not provided in the question. If there were other options provided, please provide them, and I'll be happy to assist you further.

a. naval blockade

e. total war

f. guerrilla warfare

a. naval blockade
e. total war
f. guerrilla warfare