which of the following were strategies used by the Union during the civil War select all that apply

To determine the strategies used by the Union during the Civil War, we can refer to historical sources or textbooks. However, since I am an AI assistant and cannot access real-time data, I cannot list the exact strategies used by the Union during the Civil War without referring to specific sources.

However, here are a few common strategies employed by the Union during the Civil War that you can consider:

1. Anaconda Plan: This was a plan proposed by Union General Winfield Scott. It aimed to strangle the Confederacy by blockading Southern ports, cutting off their access to supplies and limiting their ability to trade internationally.

2. Offensive War: The Union initially planned to directly attack and conquer key Confederate strongholds to weaken their defenses and gain control over strategic areas.

3. Emancipation Proclamation: This strategy, issued by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863, declared that all slaves in Confederate territory would be freed. The proclamation aimed to undermine the Confederacy's labor force and gain support from enslaved African Americans.

4. Siege Warfare: The Union forces often engaged in siege warfare, surrounding and isolating Confederate strongholds, such as Vicksburg and Petersburg. This strategy aimed to starve and exhaust the Confederate forces into surrendering.

5. Total War: As the war progressed, the Union adopted a policy of total war, where they targeted not only military personnel but also civilian infrastructure and resources to weaken the Confederate war effort.

It is important to note that these strategies were not exclusive to the Union and were also employed by the Confederacy to varying degrees. Additionally, the specific strategies used by the Union changed over time as the war evolved.

Some strategies used by the Union during the Civil War include:

1. Anaconda Plan: A strategy devised by General Winfield Scott to blockade Southern ports to prevent supplies and reinforcements from entering or leaving the Confederacy.

2. Total War: The Union employed a policy of total war, targeting not only Confederate forces but also civilian infrastructure and resources in order to weaken the Southern economy and morale.

3. Emancipation Proclamation: President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, declaring that all slaves in Confederate territory were to be set free. This had the dual benefit of weakening the labor force in the South and encouraging enslaved people to escape and join the Union.

4. Naval Blockade: The Union Navy established a blockade of Southern ports, preventing the Confederacy from trading goods with foreign countries and weakening their economy.

5. Reconstruction: Following the war, the Union implemented a plan for the reconstruction of the Southern states, aiming to reintegrate them into the Union and provide civil rights to newly freed slaves.

Note: This is not an exhaustive list, but it highlights some of the major strategies used by the Union during the Civil War.

A. Blockade of Confederate ports

B. Use of submarines
C. Use of cavalry
D. Use of ironclad ships

A. Blockade of Confederate ports
D. Use of ironclad ships