which number is the opposite of point b on the number line?

The opposite of point B on the number line is -B.

thats not helpful because the answers on this test is


In that case, we need to see the number line to correctly identify the opposite of B. Can you please provide a picture or a description of the number line and the position of point B?

To determine the number that is opposite to point B on the number line, we first need to know the location of point B. Since the question does not provide any specific information about the location or the value of point B, it is impossible to determine the exact opposite number.

However, I can explain how to find the opposite of a given number on a number line.

1. Locate the given number on the number line.
2. Draw a straight line connecting the given number to the origin (0).
3. The opposite number will be the same distance from zero as the given number, but in the opposite direction.

For example, if point B is located at -5 on the number line, the opposite number would be 5. This is because -5 and 5 are equidistant from zero but on opposite sides of the number line.