How many triangular bases are there among 3 square pyramids and 2 pentagonal pyramids that Jayla sees on her trip to Egypt?

the answer is zero

none - squares and pentagons are not triangular bases.

To find the number of triangular bases among the given pyramids, let's break it down:

1. Square pyramids: A square pyramid has a square base and four triangular faces. Since we have 3 square pyramids, they contribute 3 * 4 = 12 triangular faces in total.

2. Pentagonal pyramids: A pentagonal pyramid has a pentagonal base and five triangular faces. Given that there are 2 pentagonal pyramids, they contribute 2 * 5 = 10 triangular faces.

Now, adding up the triangular faces from both types of pyramids, we have 12 + 10 = 22 triangular faces in total.

Therefore, Jayla sees 22 triangular bases among the 3 square pyramids and 2 pentagonal pyramids on her trip to Egypt.

There are 5 triangular bases among the 3 square pyramids and 2 pentagonal pyramids that Jayla sees on her trip to Egypt.