Sam got a new job with a $7.00 per hour raise. He worked for 5 hours and got paid $85.00. How much did he make before the raise?

A. $10.00 per hour

B. $11.00 per hour

C. $12.00 per hour

D. $13.00 per hour

old rate --- x

new rate = x+7

5(x+7) = 85
5x + 35 = 85
5x = 50
x = 10

Don't trust the bot with its answers

How'd you answer and I just hit submit? Also, the answer is not B.

Its A

To find out how much Sam made before the raise, we can set up an equation using the given information.

Let's assume that Sam's hourly wage before the raise was $x. After the raise, his new hourly wage would be $x + $7.

Sam worked for 5 hours at his new hourly wage and earned a total of $85.00. Therefore, we can write the equation:

5(x + $7) = $85

Now, let's solve this equation to find the value of x:

5x + 35 = $85

Subtracting 35 from both sides:

5x = $85 - $35
5x = $50

Dividing both sides by 5:

x = $50 / 5
x = $10

Therefore, Sam's hourly wage before the raise was $10 per hour. So, the correct option is A. $10.00 per hour.

B. $11.00 per hour