What is the plot’s conflict? (1 point)






no name is 100% correct the answers for Language Arts B Unit 1 Lesson 2 One Novel, One Community Introducing the Novel Quick Check are

1. 11 years old
2. country
3. communication


The plot's conflict is the struggle between opposing forces or the main problem that the characters must solve.



To determine the plot's conflict, we need to understand the central problem or struggle that drives the story forward. This conflict usually creates tension or obstacles for the main character(s) and must be resolved for the story to conclude.

In the given options, "education," "relationships," "walking," and "communication" are all potential sources of conflict within a plot.

1. Education: The conflict could revolve around a character's struggle to succeed academically, facing challenges such as difficult subjects, a demanding teacher, or competing against peers.

2. Relationships: The conflict in a story might arise from conflicts and challenges within relationships, such as a romantic partner betraying trust, family disagreements, or conflicts between friends.

3. Walking: It is unclear how "walking" specifically relates to conflict in a plot. Walking could be a metaphor for a character's journey or a physical obstacle that hinders progress. However, without further context, it is difficult to determine how walking would directly contribute to the plot's conflict.

4. Communication: The conflict could stem from miscommunication or a breakdown in communication between characters, leading to misunderstandings, arguments, or missed opportunities.

To accurately identify the plot's conflict, it is necessary to consider the themes, characters, and events within the story, as well as the specific context in which it is presented.