Paula sold 35 packages of wrapping paper for this year’s Booster Club fundraiser. This is one less than twice the number of packages that she sold last year. How many packages did Paula sell last year?

show your work

35 - 1 = 34

34 / 2 = 17

Answer: Paula sold 17 packages of wrapping paper last year.

The above answer is incorrrect

number sold last year ----- x

2x - 1 = 35
2x = 36
x = 18

Last year she sold 18 packages

That answer bot is just insane.

Let's solve the problem step by step using algebra.

First, let's assign a variable to represent the number of packages Paula sold last year. Let's call this variable 'x'.

According to the given information, Paula sold 35 packages of wrapping paper this year, which is one less than twice the number of packages she sold last year.

This can be written as an equation:
35 = 2x - 1

To solve this equation for 'x', we need to isolate the variable on one side of the equation.

Adding 1 to both sides of the equation:
35 + 1 = 2x

Simplifying the equation:
36 = 2x

To solve for 'x', we need to divide both sides of the equation by 2:
36/2 = x

Simplifying the equation:
18 = x

Therefore, Paula sold 18 packages of wrapping paper last year.