Which two animal actions are most likely to help their babies survive to adulthood?


1.Living in small groups of their animal species (type).

2. Having a small number of offspring at once and caring for them.

3. Fish carrying their eggs in their mouth until they hatch.

4. A bird decorating its nest so it is colorful.

The two animal actions that are most likely to help their babies survive to adulthood are:

1. Having a small number of offspring at once and caring for them: Many animals, such as mammals, have a small number of offspring at a time and provide care and protection to ensure their survival. By having fewer offspring, parents can allocate more resources, attention, and protection to each individual, increasing their chances of survival.

2. Living in small groups of their animal species: Living in small groups, such as herds or packs, can provide various benefits for the survival of babies. It allows for shared vigilance and protection against predators, increased opportunities for learning from experienced adults, and cooperation in finding food and shelter. Being part of a group provides better chances of survival compared to being alone.

To determine the correct answer, look for the options that describe these actions: having a small number of offspring and caring for them (option 2), and living in small groups (option 1).