Which event in "Borders" is an example of a flashback



The event in "Borders" where the narrator remembers her father teaching her how to swim is an example of a flashback.

To identify a flashback in a story, you need to look for a scene or event that takes place in the narrative's past, interrupting the current timeline. In "Borders," a short story by Thomas King, there is a specific event that can be considered a flashback.

To locate this flashback, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the story: Start by reading the entire text of "Borders" to familiarize yourself with its content and structure. Take note of any changes in the narrative's timeline or shifts in perspective.

2. Identify the current timeline: Determine the primary timeline of events by understanding the sequence of actions and dialogue that occur in the present moment of the story.

3. Look for a shift in time: Pay attention to any indications of a change in time within the narrative. This could be a direct mention of the past, a character recollection, or a sudden shift to a different setting or event.

4. Analyze the event: Once you've located a potential shift in time, examine the specific event to confirm if it is indeed a flashback. Compare the described event with the current timeline to establish its occurrence in the past.

5. Evaluate the significance: Consider the purpose and impact of the flashback within the larger context of the story. Think about how it contributes to the development of the characters, plot, themes, or overall message.

By following these steps and applying them to the story "Borders," you will be able to identify the event that serves as a flashback.