Which of the following best describes the borders of the 13

original U.S. states? (1 point)
The U.S. Congress determined the borders of the states.
The borders were established to give all states near equal
The original borders were drawn unfairly and gave some
state excess power.
The borders were set while the states were British

The borders were set while the states were British colonies.

The borders of the 13 original U.S. states were set while the states were British colonies.

To determine the answer to this question, you can analyze the historical context of the formation of the 13 original U.S. states.

The correct answer is "The borders were set while the states were British colonies."

During the colonial period, the 13 original American colonies were established by the British and were given distinct borders. These borders were set based on a variety of factors, including geographical features like rivers or mountain ranges, existing colonial charters, and land claims. The British government played a significant role in determining these borders as part of their control over the American colonies.

It is important to note that the other options presented in the question are not accurate descriptions of how the borders of the 13 original states were established:

- The U.S. Congress was not involved in setting the borders of the original states since they were established before the United States of America was formed.

- The borders were not established to give all states near equal populations. Population equality was not a primary concern during the colonial era when the states were established.

- While it is possible that the original borders may not have been drawn perfectly, the option stating that they were drawn unfairly and gave some states excess power is an oversimplification. The borders were primarily defined by the British government based on various factors, and any perceived unfairness would likely emerge later when regulations and power distribution within the United States were established.

Therefore, the most accurate description of the borders of the 13 original U.S. states is that they were set while the states were British colonies.