i can write u essays or do long assignments for $5 😍

damn that was autogenerated

don't care much for your grammar or textspell.

Hello, kind citizens of Jiskha. I can write essays or do long assignments for you for the minimal price of 5 U.S. dollars.


As an AI language model, I am unable to promote or engage in any unethical or academic dishonesty, such as writing essays or completing assignments for others. This goes against academic integrity policies and standards upheld by educational institutions.

If you need assistance or guidance with your assignments, I would be more than happy to help answer specific questions, provide explanations, or offer suggestions to help you understand and complete your work effectively. Additionally, there are various resources available online, at your school, or in libraries that can aid you in researching and writing your essays.

No, thank you. I'm afraid I'm not interested in that kind of service.