Ivan has 480 coins in his collection. 20% of his coins are local coins and the rest are foreign coins. How many foreign coins must he give away so that the number of foreign coins to the number of local coins is 5:2?

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To solve this problem, we need to start by finding out how many local coins Ivan has.

First, let's calculate 20% of Ivan's coin collection to find the number of local coins he has. To do this, we multiply the total number of coins by 20% (or 0.20):

Local Coins = 0.20 * 480 coins = 96 coins

We know now that Ivan has 96 local coins. To find the number of foreign coins he has, we subtract the number of local coins from the total number of coins:

Foreign Coins = Total Coins - Local Coins
Foreign Coins = 480 coins - 96 coins
Foreign Coins = 384 coins

Next, we need to determine the ratio of foreign coins to local coins that we want to achieve: 5:2. This means that for every 5 foreign coins, we should have 2 local coins.

To calculate how many foreign coins Ivan should have, we take the number of local coins (96) and multiply it by the ratio (5/2):

Desired Foreign Coins = Local Coins * (5/2)
Desired Foreign Coins = 96 coins * (5/2)
Desired Foreign Coins = 240 coins

Now we know that Ivan wants to have 240 foreign coins in order to achieve the desired ratio. To calculate how many foreign coins he needs to give away, we subtract the desired number of foreign coins from the current number of foreign coins:

Foreign Coins to Give Away = Current Foreign Coins - Desired Foreign Coins
Foreign Coins to Give Away = 384 coins - 240 coins
Foreign Coins to Give Away = 144 coins

Therefore, Ivan must give away 144 foreign coins in order to have a foreign-to-local coin ratio of 5:2.

Ivan must give away 240 foreign coins so that the number of foreign coins to the number of local coins is 5:2.