A substance that is corrosive _____.

1.changes color
2.tastes bitter
3.is slippery to the touch
4.eats away at other materials

To find the answer to this question, we can analyze each option:

1. Changes color: This does not necessarily indicate that a substance is corrosive. Many substances can change color without being corrosive.

2. Tastes bitter: The taste of a substance does not directly indicate its corrosiveness. Tasting substances can be dangerous and is generally not recommended.

3. Is slippery to the touch: Slipperiness does not directly indicate corrosiveness. Many non-corrosive substances can also be slippery.

4. Eats away at other materials: This option is the correct one. A substance that eats away at other materials is likely to be corrosive. Corrosion refers to the process of breaking down or wearing away the surface of a material through a chemical reaction.

Therefore, the correct answer is option 4: "eats away at other materials."