8. Where would you expect to find the most populous cities in Southeast Asia?

1. along coastal regions to encourage trade

2. in interior highlands

3. near wetlands and rainforests

4. on deserts and plateaus

The most populous cities in Southeast Asia are typically found along coastal regions to encourage trade.

To determine where you would expect to find the most populous cities in Southeast Asia, we need to consider factors such as trade opportunities, geographic features, and population density patterns.

1. Along coastal regions to encourage trade: This option is reasonable because coastal regions often provide access to transportation routes, ports, and trading opportunities. Coastal cities allow for efficient import and export activities, attracting businesses and contributing to population growth. Cities such as Manila in the Philippines, Bangkok in Thailand, and Jakarta in Indonesia are located along the coast and have sizable populations.

2. In interior highlands: While some cities may be located in interior highlands for various reasons, such as historical significance or cultural preferences, in general, highlands are not the most suitable locations for large populations. Factors like difficult terrain, limited agricultural opportunities, and restricted transportation access often hinder population growth in these areas.

3. Near wetlands and rainforests: Wetlands and rainforests typically have challenging living conditions, such as high humidity, disease risks, and limited infrastructure. As a result, the population density is generally lower in these areas. However, there may be smaller towns or settlements near wetlands and rainforests, which could still play important roles in local economies or cultural preservation.

4. On deserts and plateaus: Deserts and plateaus are characterized by extreme weather conditions, aridity, and limited access to water resources. These factors make them unsuitable for supporting large populations. It is unlikely to find densely populated cities in these areas within Southeast Asia.

Considering all these factors, option 1, along coastal regions to encourage trade, is the most plausible choice for finding the most populous cities in Southeast Asia.

The most populous cities in Southeast Asia are generally expected to be found:

1. along coastal regions to encourage trade. Coastal areas provide access to ports and trade routes, making them attractive for urban development and population growth.

2. in interior highlands. Some cities in Southeast Asia are located in interior highlands, where the geography and climate offer favorable living conditions.

3. near wetlands and rainforests. Certain cities in Southeast Asia are situated near wetlands and rainforests due to the availability of natural resources and agricultural opportunities.

4. on deserts and plateaus. It is less likely to find populous cities on deserts and plateaus in Southeast Asia, as these areas do not typically support large-scale human settlements due to aridity and other environmental factors.