What features are associated with the dynasties of the Tang (618–907) and Song (960–1279)?

economic problems and political violence

prosperity, stable government, and advances in farming

development of government bureaucracy

overseas conquests and colonization

B. prosperity, stable government, and advances in farming

The features associated with the dynasties of the Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279) are:

A. Economic problems and political violence: While both dynasties experienced periods of prosperity, they also faced economic problems and political instability at various times.

B. Prosperity, stable government, and advances in farming: These dynasties were known for their periods of prosperity, with stable government and advancements in agricultural techniques, leading to increased agricultural productivity.

C. Development of government bureaucracy: Both the Tang and Song dynasties saw the development of efficient and extensive government bureaucracies, which helped in maintaining stability and effective governance.

D. Overseas conquests and colonization: This feature is not associated with the dynasties of Tang and Song. While the Tang dynasty expanded its empire and had control over vast territories, they did not engage in overseas conquests or colonization. The Song dynasty focused more on defending their borders rather than expansionist policies.

To determine which features are associated with the dynasties of the Tang (618–907) and Song (960–1279), let's analyze each option:

A. Economic problems and political violence: To verify if this is true, we can research historical records, textbooks, or scholarly articles that discuss the political and economic conditions during the Tang and Song dynasties. This could involve looking into instances of economic difficulties, such as inflation or financial crises, as well as political unrest and conflicts. By examining primary and secondary sources, we can find evidence to confirm or refute this claim.

B. Prosperity, stable government, and advances in farming: Similar to the previous option, we can consult historical records and academic sources to investigate whether prosperity, stable government, and advancements in farming were indeed associated with the Tang and Song dynasties. This might involve examining economic statistics, agricultural practices, and historical documents that describe the social and political conditions of those times.

C. Development of government bureaucracy: To determine if the development of government bureaucracy is correlated with the Tang and Song dynasties, we would need to explore historical accounts, textbooks, or scholarly articles that specifically discuss the governance structures and administrative systems of these dynasties. By examining these sources, we can discover if the Tang and Song dynasties were marked by a significant growth in bureaucratic institutions.

D. Overseas conquests and colonization: To confirm if overseas conquests and colonization were features associated with the Tang and Song dynasties, we can explore historical records, academic resources, and archaeological findings that provide insights into the military expeditions and overseas activities of these dynasties. This could involve researching territorial expansions, trade routes, and interactions with foreign powers.

Through careful examination of historical records and academic sources, one can determine which features align with the dynasties of the Tang and Song. It's important to conduct thorough research to find reliable information and historical interpretations.