1. Which of the following best describes a direct democracy?

1 point
In a direct democracy, the people make laws.

In a direct democracy, the people do not make the laws.

In a direct democracy, dictators makes the laws.

In a direct democracy, dictators do not make the laws

. Instead, the people directly vote on laws and policies.

In a direct democracy, the people make the laws

Correct. In a direct democracy, the people have the power to make decisions and laws themselves, rather than electing representatives to do so on their behalf.

In order to determine the correct answer, let's break down each option and understand what a direct democracy entails.

1. In a direct democracy, the people make laws.
This option correctly describes a direct democracy. In this form of government, all citizens have a direct say in making laws and decisions.

2. In a direct democracy, the people do not make the laws.
This option is incorrect. A direct democracy specifically involves the active participation of citizens in decision-making and law-making processes.

3. In a direct democracy, dictators make the laws.
This option is incorrect. In a direct democracy, power is decentralized and the laws are made collectively by the citizens, rather than being determined by dictators or a small ruling elite.

4. In a direct democracy, dictators do not make the laws.
This option is correct as well, but it doesn't precisely describe a direct democracy. In this system, laws are made directly by the people themselves, not by dictators.

Based on the explanations provided, the best and most accurate option is:
"In a direct democracy, the people make laws."