Complete the analogy.

tailor is to garments as cobbler is to
A. Shoes
B. Stitches
C. Repairs

D. Fabric

Answer: C. Repairs

tailor adjusts garments

cobbler adjusts shoes

A. Shoes

To complete the analogy, we need to find a term that is related to "cobbler" in the same way that "garments" is related to "tailor".

A tailor is a professional who specializes in making and altering garments, which are items of clothing. In the same sense, a cobbler is a professional who specializes in working with another type of item.

Looking at the given options:
A. Shoes
B. Stitches
C. Repairs

Out of these options, the term that is most closely related to the work of a cobbler is "shoes". Just like a tailor works on garments, a cobbler works on shoes. Therefore, the correct answer to complete the analogy is:

A. Shoes