A shoe factory inspects all of its shoes before shipping. It rejects 3 out of every 200 pairs of shoes as defective. What percentage of shoes are rejected

To calculate the percentage of shoes that are rejected, we need to find the fraction of shoes that are rejected and then multiply it by 100 to convert it into a percentage.

The fraction of shoes rejected is 3 out of every 200 pairs of shoes, which can be written as 3/200.

To convert this fraction to a percentage, we multiply it by 100:

(3/200) x 100 = 1.5%

Therefore, 1.5% of shoes are rejected.

To find the percentage of shoes rejected, we need to divide the number of rejected shoes by the total number of shoes and then multiply by 100.

The number of rejected shoes is given as 3 out of every 200 pairs of shoes.

Since there are 2 shoes in every pair, the number of rejected shoes out of 200 pairs is 2 * 3 = 6.

So, the percentage of shoes rejected can be calculated as (6 / 200) * 100 = 3%.

Therefore, 3% of shoes are rejected.

To find the percentage of shoes that are rejected, we need to determine the ratio of the number of shoes rejected to the total number of shoes.

The ratio of rejected shoes to the total number of shoes is 3 out of every 200 pairs. Since a pair of shoes consists of two shoes, the total number of shoes is 200 x 2 = 400 shoes.

To calculate the percentage, we divide the number of rejected shoes by the total number of shoes and multiply by 100:

(3 / 400) x 100 = 0.75%

Therefore, the percentage of shoes that are rejected is 0.75%.