Tickets to the baseball game are on sale for $1.50 off the regular price. Dea buys 6 tickets. If her total cost is $51, what is the regular price of each ticket? Write and solve an equation then write a sentence to explain your answer

Wrong again, missed such an easy question

regular price --- x
discounted price = x - 1.5

She bought 6 at that price for $51
6(x - 1.5) = 51
6x - 9 = 51
6x = 60
x = 10

regular price is $10.00

new price = 8.50
6(8.50) = 51

Equation: 6x - 6(1.50) = 51

6x = 57.50

x = 9.58

The regular price of each ticket is $9.58.