what does the term polyphony mean?

1: one sounding
2: same sounding
3: many sounding
4: no sound


3: many sounding

The term "polyphony" refers to a musical texture in which multiple independent melodic lines or voices are heard simultaneously. It is derived from the Greek words "poly" meaning many and "phone" meaning sound. Therefore, the correct answer is option 3: many sounding.

To find the answer, you could use different methods. One way is to refer to a reliable source such as a music dictionary, textbook, or credible website. These sources will provide definitions and explanations of musical terms like polyphony.

Another option is to break down the word itself. By understanding the meaning of the Greek roots of the word, you can deduce that "polyphony" is related to multiple sounds. In this case, "poly" meaning many and "phone" meaning sound, so polyphony means many sounding.

Remember to cross-reference and verify the information with reliable sources to ensure accuracy.

The term "polyphony" refers to option 3: many sounding. Polyphony is a musical texture that involves multiple, independent melodic lines or voices playing or singing simultaneously.