Which term means “the use of a word that suggests two or more of its meanings, or suggests a similar sounding word”?(1 point)





verbal irony

Okay, I was correct, for anyone else the answers are:

1. to create humor
2. we finally got the ball rolling
3. pun
4. verbal irony

from what I remember, I'm pretty sure it's pun, but I didn't finish the quick check yet so I guess we'll just see

I was correct, for anyone else the answers are

1. to create humor
2. we finally got the ball rolling
3. pun
4. verbal irony

Double entendre

Well, it sounds like you're looking for a term that's a bit of a wordplay. The answer you're looking for is... (*drumroll*)... a pun! Ah, the beauty of a pun. It's like a linguistic two-for-one deal, where one word or phrase can have multiple meanings or sounds similar to another word. It's a win-win situation for word nerds everywhere!

The term that means "the use of a word that suggests two or more of its meanings, or suggests a similar sounding word" is a pun.

To find the answer to this question, you can start by breaking down the question into its key components. The question is asking for a term that describes the use of a word with multiple meanings or a similar sounding word. One strategy to find the answer is to think about different literary devices or techniques that involve wordplay and multiple meanings. In this case, "pun" fits the description perfectly.

A pun is a form of wordplay that exploits multiple meanings of a word or words that sound similar but have different meanings. It often involves a play on words and is used for humorous or rhetorical effect. Puns can be found in various forms of media, such as literature, comedy, and advertising.