A line of dominos is knocked down. which explanation is true?

Correlation and Causation Quick Check - Physical Science A

A line of dominos is knocked down. Which explanation is true?
ANSWER-An increase in force caused an increase in acceleration.

When raindrops form, the force of gravity pulls them toward the ground. Which statement is correct about this chain of events?
ANSWER-The force of gravity causes the raindrops to accelerate.

A student observes that for the same net force, heavier objects accelerate less. Which statement describes a correct conclusion?
ANSWER-There is a negative correlation between mass and acceleration.

A nonzero net force acts on a moving ball, and the ball comes to a stop. Which statement is correct about the relationship between the net force and the ball's movement?
ANSWER-The net force causes a decrease in acceleration because without the force the ball's velocity would remain the same.

A student places five books next to each other on their ends. She then pushes the first book with her finger, and a few seconds later, the last book falls. Which statement is correct about this chain of events?
ANSWER-The force of the finger causes the books to accelerate and fall.

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The force of the first domino falling causes the second domino to fall, and so on until the last domino falls.

To determine why a line of dominos was knocked down, you would need more specific information. However, I can provide you with general explanations for why dominos might fall.

1. Chain reaction: If the first domino is pushed, it creates a domino effect where each subsequent domino falls due to the force transmitted through the line. This is a common explanation when observing a sequential fall of dominos.

2. External force: An external force such as a push, a gust of wind, or accidental contact may cause the line of dominos to be knocked down. If something or someone interacts with any part of the line, it can break the delicate balance and trigger the falling of the dominos.

3. Structural instability: If the dominos are not aligned properly or if there is a flaw in the placement or spacing, it can cause the line to collapse. Even a slight misalignment can disrupt the domino arrangement, leading to all the dominos falling.

4. Vibrations or earthquakes: Vibrations from nearby sources, like footsteps or a passing vehicle, can cause the line of dominos to topple. Similarly, if there is an earthquake or any other natural disturbance, it can result in the dominos falling.

Without specific context or additional information, it is difficult to determine which explanation is true in a particular scenario.