Keri is 10 years less than four times her daughter's age. If Keri is 38 years old, how old is her daughter?

k + 10 = 4 d

38 + 10 = 4 d
4 d = 48
d = 12

k = Keri's age

d = Daughter's age

Keri is 10 years less than four times her daughter's age means:

k = 4 d - 10

If Keri is 38 years old, then:

38 = 4 d - 10

Add 10 to both sides.

48 = 4 d

This is same as:

4 d = 48

d = 48 / 4

d = 12

Her daughter is 12 years old.

To find the daughter's age, we need to use algebraic reasoning. Let's represent the daughter's age as "x".

According to the problem, Keri is 10 years less than four times her daughter's age. This can be written as:

Keri's age = 4 * (Daughter's age) - 10.

We are also given that Keri is 38 years old. Substituting this value into the equation, we get:

38 = 4x - 10.

To isolate "x," we need to solve this equation.

Move the constant term (-10) to the other side by adding 10 to both sides:

38 + 10 = 4x - 10 + 10.

This simplifies to:

48 = 4x.

Next, divide both sides by 4 to isolate "x":

48 ÷ 4 = 4x ÷ 4.

This gives us:

12 = x.

So, the daughter is 12 years old.

Her daughter is 8 years old.