Create a visually captivating image that represents two contrasting sentiments: the exhilaration of swimming in the ocean, and the fear of shark attacks. On one side, depict a person joyfully swimming in the stunning, sunlit, blue waves of the ocean. The scene should include details such as light shimmering on the water surface and schools of beautiful fish swimming harmoniously. On the other side, portray a looming silhouette of a shark under the waves, emphasizing the fear and danger associated with shark attacks. Remember, the image should not contain any text.

"Claim: Swimming in the ocean is a great experience.

Opposing claim: Some people get attacked by sharks."
Which statement is the most effective counterargument to the opposing claim?

• Sharks mistake people on surfboards for turtles.
• People should not swim in shark-infested waters.
• Sharks are attracted to splashing.
• Shark attacks are extremely rare.

(theres a check answer button but here ya go anyways :D)

1. Which statement is the most effective counterargument to the opposing claim?

***Shark attacks are extremely rare.***

2. Tom is writing an argumentative essay about the importance of playing sports. Which sentence is a claim for Tom's argumentative essay?(1 point)

***Kids should start playing sports when they are very young.***

3. "Claim: School uniforms should be mandatory for all middle school students." Which reason should AJ use with his claim?

***Uniforms make all students feel included at school.***

4. A student is researching the history of national parks in the United States. Which source should she choose?(1 point)

***a National Parks Service website run by the U.S. government***

5. How does evidence relate to an argument?(1 point)

***It is used to support the reasons in an argument.***

6. Stephanie is trying to convince her boss to add homemade chips to the menu at the restaurant where she works. Which piece of evidence would convince her boss?(1 point)

***Anyone can buy bagged chips, but homemade chips make a restaurant unique.***

7. Select the correct answer from the list.(1 point)

There are many benefits of reading to young children, ***such as*** fostering a love of books and improving vocabulary.

8. Use the paragraph to answer the question.
"(1) In conclusion, single-use plastic straws should be banned from all schools and restaurants. (2) Millions of straws find their way into the ocean each day, and they are polluting the water and harming marine life. (3) So next time you are in the cafeteria or out with friends, think about your choices. (4) Skip the straw and the plastic water bottle, too."
Which sentence restates the central claim?

***Sentence 1***

guy you need to remember they switch the answers. it may be right for you but its probably wronge for some one else

Shark attacks are extremely rare.


i know the answers let me do the practice

1: A

2: C
3: B
4: C
5: A
6: B
7: “such as”
8: C
Works for connexus students ✅

The most effective counterargument to the opposing claim would be the statement "Shark attacks are extremely rare." To determine this, we can evaluate the effectiveness of each response by examining how well it addresses the opposing claim.

- "Sharks mistake people on surfboards for turtles": While this statement provides a reason why people might get attacked by sharks, it does not directly address the opposing claim that swimming in the ocean is a great experience.

- "People should not swim in shark-infested waters": This response suggests that people should avoid swimming in areas known to be inhabited by sharks. While it is a valid precaution, it does not directly challenge the idea that swimming in the ocean is a great experience.

- "Sharks are attracted to splashing": This statement provides an explanation for why shark attacks might happen but does not directly counter the opposing claim that swimming in the ocean is a great experience.

- "Shark attacks are extremely rare": This response directly challenges the opposing claim by asserting that shark attacks are infrequent. It provides evidence to reassure individuals that the risk of being attacked by a shark while swimming in the ocean is minimal, making it the most effective counterargument.

Therefore, the statement "Shark attacks are extremely rare" would be the most effective counterargument to the opposing claim.


7such as