Earth's Lithosphere Unit Test


How do the mass and the density of the mantle compare with the mass and density of Earth’s core?(1 point)

The mantle’s mass is greater than the core’s mass, but with less density.
The mantle’s mass is greater than the core’s mass, but with less density.
The mantle’s mass and its density are greater than that of the core.
The mantle’s mass and its density are greater than that of the core.
The mantle’s mass is less than the core’s mass, but with greater density.
The mantle’s mass is less than the core’s mass, but with greater density.
The mantle’s mass and its density are less than that of the core.

OK Anwser 1-10:

1.The mantle’s mass is greater than the core’s mass, but with less density.

2.It is made possible by heat and pressure.


4.A particular mineral is defined by its chemical composition and crystalline structure.

5.the breaking of rock into smaller pieces from nonchemical processes

6.Sprouting seeds and growing roots can cause rocks to break

7.burning less fossil fuel

8.a chair made of plastic

9.from the cooling of magma

10.oceanic crust


i know i know im on the LASSTTT question so 10-5 more mins please :)

be patient please.

Anwser 11&12 (BTW i know there right because i got these anwser from a science teacher) (And Make sure to reword/add words to to so u dont get and trouble/Plagiarized)

11:Extreme Pressure From burial, increasing Temperature at depth, and a lot of time, can alter any rock type to form a metamorphic rock.
12:If It Becomes Buried Deep Enough within the crust to be subjected to increased temperature and pressure, it may change into metaphoric rock. Side Note:Sand is A Type Of Sedimentary rock.


Ima just do the test then ill come back with the anwsers for u guys!!!!

Ok im sorry im not rushing I just rlly need the answers. BUT take ur time!!

ty I got the anwser Lemme write it then Im Sending It!

Ok Cool,Imagirl! Becasue they 100% worked for me!

to pretty to know my name answers are correct!
