How do the mass and the density of the mantle compare with the mass and density of Earth’s core?

A) The mantle’s mass and its density are greater than that of the core

B) The mantle’s mass is less than the core’s mass, but with greater density

C) The mantle’s mass is greater than the core’s mass, but with less density

D) The mantle’s mass and its density are less than that of the core

1.The mantle’s mass is greater than the core’s mass, but with less density.

2.It is made possible by heat and pressure.


4.A particular mineral is defined by its chemical composition and crystalline structure.

5.the breaking of rock into smaller pieces from nonchemical processes

6.Sprouting seeds and growing roots can cause rocks to break

7.burning less fossil fuel

8.a chair made of plastic

9.from the cooling of magma

10.oceanic crust

yup all good!!

i failed so you didnt have to!

They are all correct

an hour later, and yet nobody is helping.


pls help btw :c im stuck on this test i dont wanna fail it



i think its The mantle’s mass and its density are less than that of the core but i could be wrong

those should be correct