What is the purpose of a hook? Select two correct answers.

Here are the answers

1. To create a clear claim and to make the readers interested
2. To introduce the claim
3. Pick a topic or become familiar with the one assigned
4. The hook and background
5. Did you know that collecting stamps can teach you about history, geography, and art?
100% for UCA students, I just did the test and these are the answers

Which components are included in a written argument?

reasons that support the argument

claims from any kind of source

opinions from your friends

evidence from social media

evidence from reliable sources

Reasons that support the argument and evidence from reliable sources are included in a written argument. Claims from any kind of source, opinions from your friends, and evidence from social media are not necessarily reliable or credible forms of support in a written argument.

To answer this question, we need to understand the context in which the term "hook" is being used. There are multiple contexts in which the term can be applied, so I will explain two common purposes of a hook in different domains:

1. Music: In the context of music composition, a hook refers to a catchy musical phrase or riff that is repeated throughout a song. The purpose of a hook in this context is to capture the listener's attention, make the song memorable, and create a sense of musical identity.

2. Writing: In the context of writing, a hook is the opening line or paragraph of a piece of writing that captures the reader's attention and draws them into the story or argument. The purpose of a hook in this context is to engage the reader, make the writing more compelling, and encourage them to continue reading.

In order to know the purpose of a hook in a different context or domain, you can explore the specific domain or topic in question and look for relevant examples or explanations.