Taking a position on the French Revolution was difficult for Washington because

the legislative branch was charged with overseeing diplomacy.

his cabinet was in favor of the revolution, but he was entirely against it.

he had personal ties to the French that he did not want to break.

the president’s role in foreign policy had not yet been specifically defined.

I think it D. can anyone confirm?

1) Washington saw the Native Americans as a threat not only because of their conflicts with white settlers but also because:

- A (The British used them as a tool for reigniting war)

2) Taking a position on the French Revolution was difficult for Washington because:
- D (The president's role in foreign policy had not yet been specifically defined)

3) Washington took an active role in uniting the states around the new government by:
- A (Traveling through them)

Just wanted to give something back to the world. I have been fond of the help I was given with this website, but I have not returned the favor. Even if this favor was small and nobody see this, I hope it helps. :)

- Good luck on your future endeavors