A student wants to teach a friend how to sew. Which type of medium should the student use? (1 point)

1) video

2) photo
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4) attendance rates and grades have increased
5) a clean up day would bring the community together
6) personal testimony
7) a statement from a doctor
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9) social media negatively affects adolescents
10) survey of 8 professional athletic organizations
11-14) written responses

To determine which type of medium the student should use to teach their friend how to sew, let's break down the question. The term "medium" typically refers to the method or format by which information is conveyed. In the context of teaching someone a skill like sewing, there are various mediums that could be effective. Here are a few options to consider:

1. In-person instruction: The student can directly demonstrate and explain sewing techniques to their friend by physically being present. This can allow for hands-on learning, immediate feedback, and the opportunity for the friend to ask questions in real-time.

2. Video tutorial: The student can create a video tutorial that showcases different sewing techniques and explains the step-by-step process. This can be shared with the friend, who can watch and follow along at their own pace. Video tutorials offer the advantage of visual demonstration, which can be beneficial for understanding intricate details.

3. written instructions: The student can write detailed instructions, accompanied by illustrations or diagrams if necessary, that guide their friend through the sewing process. This could be in the form of a manual, guidebook, or even a series of blog posts or articles. Written instructions allow for a more focused and self-paced learning experience.

4. Online sewing courses: There are numerous online platforms that offer structured sewing courses with video lessons, interactive exercises, and assignments. The student can recommend a specific online course or platform to their friend, which provides a comprehensive learning experience with the convenience of learning from home.

Ultimately, the choice of medium will depend on the preferences and learning style of the friend, as well as the resources available to the student. It is important to consider factors such as accessibility, the complexity of the sewing techniques being taught, and the level of personal interaction desired.

The student should use a hands-on medium, such as face-to-face instruction or video tutorials. These mediums allow for direct demonstration and interaction, which are key for teaching sewing techniques effectively.