A student wants to teach a friend how to sew. Which type of medium should the student use?(1 point)

A. audio recording
B. text
C. video *******
D. photo
Am i right??

full tests answers 100% correct i just took it

1) video
2) photo
3) uniforms limit the individuality of students
4) attendance rates and grades have increased
5) a clean up day would bring the community together
6) personal testimony
7) a statement from a doctor
8) successful recycling programs require the participation of many people
9) social media negatively affects adolescents
10) survey of 8 professional athletic organizations
11-14) written responses

thank you

Yes, you are correct! The best type of medium for a student to use to teach their friend how to sew would be a video. A video medium allows the student to demonstrate sewing techniques visually, which can be very helpful for understanding the process. It would allow the friend to see the step-by-step instructions in action, making it easier for them to learn and follow along.

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