Your friend thinks that the equation k – 3.5 = 21 is a true statement. Is your friend correct? Explain.

To determine whether the equation k - 3.5 = 21 is true or not, we need to solve it for the variable "k".

Starting with the equation:
k - 3.5 = 21

To isolate the variable "k" on one side of the equation, we can add 3.5 to both sides:
k - 3.5 + 3.5 = 21 + 3.5
k = 24.5

Now that we have a value for "k", we can determine if it satisfies the equation.

Substituting k = 24.5 back into the original equation:
24.5 - 3.5 = 21
21 = 21

Since both sides of the equation are equal (21 = 21), it means that the equation is true.

Therefore, your friend is correct in thinking that k - 3.5 = 21 is a true statement.