which of the following does the term "CIVIL RIGHTS" REFER TO?


come on i need help

The term "civil rights" refers to the rights and freedoms guaranteed to individuals by law, specifically related to their status as citizens. "Civil rights" does not exclusively refer to citizens; it applies to all individuals within a society, regardless of their status as citizens, immigrants, minorities, or taxpayers. It encompasses the equal treatment and protection under the law for all individuals, regardless of their background or characteristics.

The term "civil rights" generally refers to the rights and freedoms that are granted and protected by a government for its citizens. These rights are designed to ensure equal treatment and opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or any other characteristic.

Out of the options you provided, both citizens and minorities can be connected to the concept of civil rights. Citizens have a legal recognition and membership in a particular country, which entitles them to certain civil rights. Minorities, on the other hand, refers to groups of people who have fewer members or hold less power within a society. These individuals often face discrimination or systemic barriers to exercising their civil rights, which often needs to be addressed through specific civil rights protections.

While immigrants and tax-payers may also have certain legal rights and obligations, they are not directly associated with the concept of civil rights. Immigrants may have their immigration status protected, while tax-payers have certain obligations to pay taxes, but civil rights primarily focus on the broader principle of equal rights and protections for all individuals within a society.